
The main aim of this website is for friends and family, as well as anyone else out there who is interested, to follow what I am doing on various projects or other interests I have, and to hear what I have to say about things that interest me.

When I want to buy or make something, or if I just want to find out about a particular subject or topic I am interested in, I find a lot of useful information and many websites and blogs, where people have shared their experiences, expertise and knowledge

I want to be able to repay that by sharing what I am doing, in the interest that someone, somewhere finds it useful.

I have a number of hobbies, the most social of them being photography. I love photography, from the technical aspect of knowing which lens to use and setting up the camera, to creating beautiful compositions. My lovely wife, Rita, loves travelling and going out locally, and this is the perfect opportunity to enhance my skills, and find opportunities for taking interesting photos.

Career wise, I have worked in a number of areas, including the electrical and electronics industries, IT support and management, and now in digital marketing, with a focus on client solution development. See my Linked In page for more info.

↻ Last Updated: 21 April 2023